A A A A and Co. Mace Tribune Herald Page 8-B-Waco. Texas Saturday, June 29, 1968 4. EMPLOYMENT wanna 31-HELP WANTED- -FEMALE for qualified licensed vocational nurse. 11-7 shift.
At the Regis. 400 Austin Ave. LVN NEEDED at Bellmead nursing home. Call anytime. 799-5581.
NEED EXTRA MONEY? Sell Sculptress Bras, Fashions, or be 0 hostess and earn PR 2-3983. WANT SOMEONE to stav with elderly couple. Sats. Suns. In Mart.
PL 46596 or PL 3-3206. COOK for nursing home EXPERIENCED, 6-5459. NEED LVN'S for 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3 to 11 p.m.
shifts. Windsor Estates. 772-0610. 12-HELP WANTED, MALE-F'MALI Du Priest EMPLOYMENT SERVICE top National plus degree-24-32 Liberal expense account- -Prestige -benefits galore. RECEPTIONISTS--We have three of these lobs 28-40 five days -salaries clerical.
SECRETARY ene-girl-office-good 30-45 Good Interesting lob--salary will go $400. Many openings in Clerical--and some In professional field. Coll 756-5308 DEANIE JOHNSON EMPLOYMENT ADVISORS RECRUITING EXECUTIVE TECHNICAL SALES AND OFFICE HELP Texas Private Emplvoment Assn. National Employment Assn. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT CONFIDENTIAL, OFF HOUR INTERVIEW.
National Personnel Assn. 728 Washington Ave. Phone 752-2596 TO 1022 WASHINGTON 1 PRINTERS Ad operator-floor man. State quallfications and experience. Box 640-A, Waco TribuneFull or part time Experienced designers for work at shop.
Apply In Person. MUHL FLOWERS PIE MAKER WANTED Work 4-5 hours, evenings. Apply Red Rooster Drive In, 1326 New Dallas Highway. TRY FULLER BRUSHI TIRED OFT GIMMICKS? PHONE PL 2-1279, 2 to 5 p.m. COUPLE TO MANAGE and maintain apartments.
PL 6-4949. NEED 4 beauticians for shopping center beauty salon to open Aug. 1. Attractive offer to right party. 756-0660.
WANTED WANTED WASHING and ironing Lucile Chappell, 1020 Dutton St. PL 4 1966. AMBITIOUS boy needs summer lob to meet college expenses. Phone PL 3-8470, 35-CHILD CARE PARKDALE TENNYSON HTS. Child care, limited space avall.
Playground fed, hot meals. now. DEPENDABLE LADY desires baby sit. ting in my own home. Cool, fenced vard, experienced.
References PL 2- 8509. PETER RABBIT PLAY SCHOOL 1509 Batson Dr. Near Lake Air Shopping Ctr. PR 2-1406. HAP-E- TIME nursery and childcraft.
Children all ages. Bal. meals. State license. 2001 Ethel.
PL 2-7140, TE 3-4562. DO babysitting In your home, day or night. Experienced. Call PL 2- 5877. CHILD CARE OnY age (24-hr.
service), days, fenced, meals, AC. Transportation avallable. Bellmead, 754-6915. WILL CARE for children any age, anytime, dav or night, Reas. fenced vard.
PL 4-4993. CHILD CARE Dav, Sun. by appointment anight Trans. avallable. PL 3-8180.
EXP. CHILD CARE 24-hr. service. Hot meals, fenced playground. Children all ages.
753-7884. 5. EDUCATIONAL 40-BUSINESS SCHOOLS NEW CLASSES JULY 8TH SHORTHAND (5 Typing Shorthand Secretarial Office Machine 112. S. 6th WACO 3-5388 Durham College.
41-SCHOOLS VETERANS AND NON-VETERANS LEARN PRINTING Learn printing tor a lifetime career which will offer you opportunity, satisfaction and security. Demand for printers is widespread. You are always assured of steady Income vear In and vear out. No season lavoffs, Income Is for higher than other manufacturing trades. SOUTHWEST SCHOOL OF PRINTING, Huntsville, Texas.
1-SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL at home since 1197. $10 monthly Includes all Books and instructions. Diploma awarded. Americon School, Box 8594, Fort Worth 76112. High School At Home -Free Catoloo International Correspondence Schools P.O Box 724, Waco.
Tex. PL 3-8668 6. MERCHANDISE 50-MISCELLANEOUS PORT SALE Trade Ins- -Rebuilts- New Quality Factory Samples Lawn Mowers Gas, Electric, HI-Wheels, Riders Self Propelled, Edgers, Trimmers Rebuilt Mowers, from $15 Electric Huffy Mower $19 Commercial Mower $19 New 22'' Quality Alamow $59 $99.95 Sensation Electric $69 $99 Professional Edger $79 Rebuilt Self Propelled $39 TOP QUALITY 7HP NEW RIDING MOWERS HI-WHEELS, MINI BIKES, RACE KARTS ALL FACTORY SAMPLES NOW REDUCED. FREE OF EXTRA COST A rugged new Sensation Mini Mower Trimmer will be Included with each Riding Mower Friday and Saturday only 8 5 p.m. TOMMY THERRELL'S 927 N.
25TH Expert Lawn Mower Service Repair Fire extinguishers Certain-Teed plastic cement 5-gal. drinking fountain (some repairs) Frigidaire electric stove (some repairs), elect. water pumps, Penguin tarpaulin, all sizes 5 -gallon army gas cans, elect. hedge clippers $19.50 used contractors' toots. Electric Motors H.P.
to 5 H.P, 80-gal. alr compressor tank, 1 ton chain hoists. Air compressors, Brown's Surplus 400 No. 5th, Waco, Texas Brazos Pipe Salvage, Inc. Store--PL 6-2901 Res.
---756-2734 Asbestos pipe and clothesline poles. Custom-bullt cattle guards as low as $75, oll-steel cattle feeders, new and used steel and pipe, 36x25 alum. gable, vents, elec. motors, gear reduction boxes, new 1 hp. pr.
G.E. Elect. motors R.P.M. 3450. Used printing equipment.
Small metal filing boxes. 101 Franklin PL 3-8541 BRICKMAN SALVAGE 618 Elm 1921 No. 18th FURNITURE, APPL. PLUMBING Fir. Tile, Fold.
Chairs Office Desks--Plastic Upholstery Material Shower Stalls, Shower Doors and Enclosures. Medicine Chests. Store Hours 8 a.m. p.m. New Zig- Specials (LIMITED TIME ONLY) Portables $69.95 Zig-zag and cabinets $95.00 Used Portables, $19.50 and up.
Bank terms--All guaranteed. Warren Sewing Mach. Co. Austin Ave. at 16th PL 2-0411 GARAGE SALE SIGN When vou place your Garage Sale Ad to appear in the Classified Section of the News-Tribune and Times-Herald, be sure to pick up a SIGN.
It will Identify your house as the location of the Advertised Garage Sale. Bankruptcy Mdse. Zenith Stereo, washers, Philco alr conditioners also other brands. Bedroom groups. Living rm.
groups. Over 100 TVs to choose from. Here's a buy! Color TV Console, $330. 2501 BOSQUE NEW TIRE SALE We deal In special buys factory seconds, close outs, etc. Best buys in town.
PLENTY GOOD USED TIRES TIRE TRUINGWHEEL BALANCING J. P. LAMB TIRE 906 Elm 6-2431 GARAGE SALE Small appliances, refrigerator, space heaters, rollaway bed baby furniture. All In good useable condition. Clothes in all sizes, misc.
4617 Rolando, Wed. through Sot. One 150-gal. Butane tank, window fans, power mowers, tools, Skilsaws, lacks, wheels all sizes. 1,000 used hub caps.
J. P. LAMB TIRE CO. 906 ELM PL 6-2431 GARAGE SALE. vacuum cleaner, 670-15 tires, 45 auto.
bullets, old bottles misc. 2317 N. 44th, PR 2-6494. GARAGE SALE- Glassware, baby bed, ladies shoes small size dresses. 1600 N.
16th. TWIN BEDS, SPREADS, Blue-white good cond. Kroehler, large Hide-a bed white, 772-0469. GARAGE SALE- 2016 Kendrick In rear (on Mira St.) Lots of clothes. 16.
MERCHANDISE 50-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE KING SIZE bedroom suite. French Provincial living room dining room suits, bunkbeds, recliners, rockers sewing machines book case, TV's, soild state Motorola stereo (Spanish), range, washing machine, air conditioners, water coolers, fans, desks odd chest. Complete beauty shop for sale, 12 gauge, pump shotgun, 11 ft. moth sailboat, piano, baby furniture, voc. cleaners.
Most of this merchandise was repo. Thursday less thon 0 year old. 2201 Bosque, PL 6-0636. GARAGE SALE Foodarama refrig.freezer double-oven elec. range, 1965 Frigidaire washer, complete single bed, white dropleaf table, chairs, Westinghouse console sewing machine, old trunk, adding machine, typewriter, Chev.
trailer hitch, 50-star flog pole, waffle grill Iron misc. Items. 3708 No. 22nd. GARAGE SALE Sat.
Sun. only. Small hand tools, central heating unit. nat. gas, 16 mm.
protector camera, evan. coolers, clothing, toys, metal fence panels, misc. Items. Drive West on Valley Mills Dr. to 2042 Hermanson Dr.
GARAGE SALE In house, trash treasures. Got to 90 by 27th, being dishes, pots pans, pictures, record plover, baby bed, Iron dutch oven, antique scales, misc. 2301 Mitchell. WHEELCHAIRS, Hosp. beds, ralls, cones, trapeze, commodes, lifters, walkers.
We sell, rent and deliver. CERTIFIED MEDICARE SUPPLIER Waco Rental, 906 N. 25th, PL 6-4411 TAKE soli away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer $1. Williams Drug Stores.
Save money on sarge salvaged stocks of paint, wallpaper and linoleum. All colors, types and sizes. ROBERTS, 914 Elm GARAGE SALE Fri. p.m. p.m., Sat.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. Mon. 1-5. 2701 Briarcliff, dwn.
Wooded Acres to Roberts, turn left. Some antiques. GARAGE SALE Wed thru Sat. furn, portable TV, motorcycle 400 CC. campIng tent, clothes, records, all welcome.
5607 Fairview Dr. GARAGE SALE Moving, 2 matched plastic studio couches, electric range, many odds ends, Thurs. thru Sun. 3521 Windsor. TAVERN EQUIP.
Counter stools, 1 beer box, wdn. tables chairs, celling fan, Nat'l Cash Register. $250. Call Marlin, Tex. WE 6-3701.
GARAGE SALE Sat. Sun. Lodies' flats dress shoes, clothing, size 16, chairs, elec. utensils, odds ends. Give-away prices.
3732 Ethel, GARAGE SALE: and ton alr auto. AC, parts for air cond. aquariums, supples, misc. Items, 3505 N. 27th, 753-8625.
GARAGE SALE Starts Friday 10 a.m., color TV, stereo, washer dryer, range, glassware, radio, misc. 3701 Charlton. GARAGE SALE Tuesday through Saturday, furniture, dishes, clothes, tools, misc. Everyone welcome 2508 Charboneau. PR 2-2187.
Garage sale 2 home air conditioners, drapes, mall box, misc. Evervone welcome. 6312 Landmark (off No. 60th.) GOOD USED ELECTRIC range bullt-In wall furnace, very reasonable. 772-6826.
RUTH'S BOOK MART Buy, trade some books. Sell all kinds great books sets. 3527 Memorial. GARAGE SALE 2300 Skyline Dr. Roll-away bed lawn chairs, etc.
Fri. 8 a.m. RUMMAGE SALE Free Will Baptist Church. Woman's Auxiliary. 11th Bagby, June 29th.
BROWSE BUY Neighborhood garage sale. Everything Imaginable, some antiques. 4113 Mockingbird. GARAGE SALE Two 9x12 belge rugs, TV antenna, sun lamo, old tires, clothes misc. 1925 Sanger.
MATCHING COUCH CHAIR Good condition. PL 2-3726. GARAGE SALE Clothes misc. 1101 No. 45th.
Wed. through Sat. Everyone welcome, 2 FAMILY Garage Sale Clothes, boys', girls' adults', All Evervone welcome. 4136 Acree. PL 4 2635.
GARAGE SALE chair wood baby iterns, coffee tables, vacuum cleaner, misc. through Sat. 1206 N. 66th. AIR CONDITIONER, trunk, ironer, ward robe, bookshelf, women's clothes and shoes, misc.
bargains. 9 to 6. 2125 So. Pork. GARAGE SALE Saturday.
Maple table, household decorator Items 1307 Metrose. GARAGE SALE 3141 Wenz. Clothes, lewelry, misc. Items. CLOSE OUT SALE WE HAVE 10 COLOR SETS ALSO BLACK and WHITE TV's RADIOS STEREOS AT OUR COST THEY ARE ALL 1968 PHILCO'S FIRST COME FIRST SERVED Haught AIR Appliance CONDITIONING Center 3300 FRANKLIN PL 6-1671 Quick REFERENCE BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY Service Supplies Equipment ALTERATIONS Bring Your Sewing--All Types SYLVIA'S SEWING SHOP Open 9 to 5:30 p.m.
APPLIANCES SMALL, EXPERT APPLIANCE WORKMEN REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ALL WORK GUARANTEED RED AGA Appliance Center 315 AUSTIN Phone PL 3-5191 BUILDING Johnson Lumber Co. Repairs, remodeling, rooting, painting. 623 11th-PL 6-0494-Free Estimates. BELTS. BUTTONS, SUCKLES Monograms, nemstitching.
belts, covered buttons, machine made button holes. Made to order. Zippers. B- B- CRAFT 1211 N. 26th PL 3-6811 CARPENTRY HOUSE LEVELING, additions roofing.
siding painting. etc. Title loans available B. E. Dickerson, PL 4-0752.
DOORS, WINDOWS, porches, etc. paired. Small lobs a specialty. Call C. W.
Terry, 662-3839. REPAIRING, CARPENTRY, painting PL 2-8515. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER wonts re. pair work. Paneling, dens additions specialty PL 6-3164, CARPETS FLOOR COVERING LINOLEUM REMNANTS BARGAINS, PRICE Moore's Floor Covering, 3428 N.
19th EXTERMINATING A-1 EXTERMINATING CO. 5 vr. guarantee, house eing. termite control. Roofing.
15 vr. quarantee. 662-2285. ROACHES KILLED, $3 W. Exterminator PL 6-2278 DIRT.
SAND, AND GRAVEL W. L. Clemons. PL 3-8422 SAND DIRT GRAVEL HAULING AND CLEANING LIGHT HAULING, brush garage clean up. Free estimate.
PL 3-8048. MATTRESSES KELLY MATTRESS CO. 421 SO. 11TH PL 4-4761 MOBILE HOMES DAMAGED 1965 Rovcraft mobile home, 51x10, Located at Earl Smith's residence, mile north of Osceola on Cleburne Hwy If Interested send bid to: Foremost Insurance Companv, Salvage Dept. A8-8527, P.O Box 2450.
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49501. Bidding closes July 10. MOVING AND HAULING Move or Haul -Call Me Reasonabie-752-0208. PL 2-8156 STATEWIDE MOVING haulina. Over 20 vrs.
experience. Calls accepted days till 9 p.m. PLL 3-1706. PAINTING -PAPER HANGING PAINTING Interior or exterior, reasonable Free estimates, Guaranteed. Call Smith, PL 4-1522.
PAINTING, PAPERING, sheetrocking, paneling. 754-3806. Custom Sons. PICTURE FRAMES CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING JONES BLAIR COLOR CTR. 604 New Road PL 4-8271 HOUSE PAINTING and home maintainance wiring.
752-0564. PLUMBING SERVICES FREE ESTIMATES. No 100 100 big or 100 small. All work guaranteed. For the right way, call Jay todav.
PL 2-3111 PLUMBING SUPPLIES White toilet $29.95 30-gal. water heater $47.75 100-ft. sewer cable PAY LESS PLBG. SUPPLY CO 018 Elm PL 2-1925 NEW COMPANY 24. hr would appreciate OUr patronage.
service. Baker Plum bing 662-2836. ROOFING REMODELING, ROOFING, ADDITIONS. Roofs. Free estimates.
Call 0. L. Ashley CIRCLE LUMBER CO. PL. Nights PL 3-8923 NEW ROOFS AND REPAIRS Leveling, siding, painting, concrete.
Vr. exp Free est PI 6-5243, PI 2-3192. SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Repair any sewing machine. Bring or call 15. 60 vrs.
experience. Warren Sewing Mach. Co. Austin Ave. at 16th Service on all models makes PL.
2-0411 machines $4.75. In business 117 vears. THE SINGER CO. PL 6-2191 STEREO SERVICE LARRY'S CAR STEREO SERVICES Stereo, tape tape system sales service cartridge repair. We buy car stereos (Working or not) 1000 N.
15th PL 6-3291 TREE SERVICE REMOVED, trimmed, pruned. Hedges, PL 2-5217, PL 4-4579 UPHOLSTERY WACO UPHOLSTERY Free estimates, delivery. PL 4-7370 2915 N. 19TH WELDING GENE McCRACKEN Is back in business. We weld anything.
2006 So. 3rd. PL 3- 9903. YARD WORK EXPERIENCED YARD MAN Grass cutting, flowerbed work, shrubs. Clean vacant lots.
754-2526. GARDENS vards rototilled. trees hedges removed trimmed. Yards and lots mowed. PR 2-1366.
WILL MOW LAWNS, NO EDGING TRIMMING, CHEAP, PL 3-6293. TO PLACE A WANT AD CALL PL 4-2330 FOR FAST ACTION, LIST YOUR DIAL BUSINESS OR SERVICE HERE PL 4-2331 50-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE WALNUT BR suite $65, Evap. fan, attic fan, gossip bench, chrome dinette, console Beau. lamps, box springs mat. all kinds beds, mirrors, LR tables GE dinette $12 UD, dressers $5.
Up wardrobe gas range $35, refrig. $25. Other furn. 826 N. 15th.
ANTIQUES GIfts some furniture, antique player piano, misc. 4321 Greenbriar, Bellmead. ANTIQUES JUNK. Glass, silver, picture frames, chair, etc. Also flowers.
By appoint. PL 3-8859, PL 4-0007. MOVING Sale odds ends, cheap. Lawn chairs $1, 8 mm movie camera protector $35, large poloroid $15. Philco cabinet record plaver, 50 records $40.
Many other items. 5612 Westlawn. PR 2-2914. QUALITY -black 100 pet human hair wig $25. Two TV's, night stand, crystal lamp, Beagle dogs.
2712 Madison, Apt. MO 2-2345. BARGAINS 4-man raft. Never used. Cost $57.
Sell $37. Fiberglass camper, sleeps 2. Real nice $200. 14 ft. V-bottom boat 12 HP motor, factory trailer, good fishing rig.
$225. PL 6-5895 or PL. 4-6971. FAMILY GARAGE SALE 5220 Lake Jackson toys, records, clothes, misc, Reasonable prices. Everyone welcome PR 2-4557.
Sat. Monday all day. OPEN HOUSE 2212 N. 42nd-air single dbl. headboard, chest, misc.
Items. PR 2-0483. GARAGE SALE clothes, dishes, baby items, misc. 524 Belaire, Woodway. GARAGE AND workshop ale Miscellaneous.
Come and Browse. 1708 N. 15th. GARAGE SALE Clothes, glassware furn. 2623 Gurley.
8:30 Sat. Sun. GARAGE SALE- bed, toys. clothes, full size small Iron bed, old wood top Ice box, lots of glassware, bike, misc. All Welcome.
1219 Royal Oaks. GARAGE SALE 1230 No. 16th, misc. SALE IN HOUSE Icebox, water cooler, ladles dresses size boys clothes, misc. 920 N.
20th, 8 to 5. ESTATE SALE Sat. Sun. only. 7 a.m.
til 6 p.m. 4105 Hiland. WANTED Used World Books. TE 3 4282. 8.45x15 TIRES, two good, two fair cond.
Sell all for $20. 2300 hom*on, PL 3-1271. GARAGE SALE pool table, mattress springs, bookcase bed, stereo, odds ends. 3606 Grim. WE BUY air turniture, appliances or a houseful of furniture.
PL 3-8621. EVERYBODY'S BOOK STORE Your price Paperback Mag. Exch. 2117 Cav. 15 vears, closed Sun.
BUY ODDS AND ENDS P. 0. Shumate, PL. 2-1252, 519 Tyler BICYCLES FOR SALE Girl's and boy's at 218 Gurley. PL 4-4374 $45-PHOTO ENLARGER.
Less than price. PL 3-5958, 5:30 to 8 P.M. GARAGE SALE, JUNE 29th at 607 Kane Street, Bellmead Rebekah. GARAGE SALE- Oak Secretary, wicker settee, electro plating unit, canoe frame misc. 3901 Leland.
GARAGE SALE 5800 Mt. Rockwood (corner Mt. Carmel), TV, bicycles, clothing, furniture, games, tools. All welcome. GARAGE SALE- CLOTHING, DISHES MISC.
1825 N. 13TH. GARAGE SALE- 5 family, dinette, lawn mower, clothing, misc. 1022 Clover Dr. Thurs.
9-8. Bellmead. SW 9-2887. BELLMEAD DEALER cars, boats. Let us sell for you.
3401 Bellmead Dr. BOOKS, SALE Trade, classic, mysteries westerns, 2023 Bosque. Open till 9 p. m. PL 3-1706.
1967 WORLD BOOK Childcraft. PL 4-1511. After 5, 752-3062. GARAGE SALE: Continued through Sun. Many valuables left.
Prices cut. 2304 McFerrin. GARAGE SALE 1225 Fisher Bellmead. 8 a.m. -8 p.m.
Household items, clothing, odds ends. GARAGE SALE Sat. Mon. Misc. TV, Hollywood bd.
frames. Ironer, clothing. 1010 Donto. 51-CLOTHING WEDDING GOWN, with train, never worn, applique while crepe. Size 10-12.
MO 2-1283. STYLISH TEEN dresses, shorts, etc. 2 10 7, ladies clothes, 10 to 16, man's tuxedo 42, twin spreads, PL 3-5659. 53-JEWELRY, DIAMONDS WEDDING SET carat solitaire originally from Armstrong's, $200. PL 2- 2281.
54-ANTIQUES CANTRELL TRADE STORAGE New Dallas Hwy. SW 9-2761 ANTIQUE FURN. CLOCKS. We are offering some good buys to make room for our remodeling. Also have a new load of porch swings.
ANTIQUE CORNER-1526 AUSTIN Art glass. Cut alass. Pressed glass. Crystal. China.
H.P. plates. Frames. FOR SALE Steinway, square Grand piano, made In beautiful finish, excellent condition, PR 2-6273. 55-- FURNITURE SEE OUR VERY SPECIAL PRICES ON TELEVISION AND STEREO SETS.
BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT, 24 MOS. TO PAY. New Base rockers Vinelle covers $24.95 New 5 PC. Dinette set Bronze $34.95 New Sofa-bed Vinelle covers $49.95 UD Used Onk office desk BARGAIN.
New recliners assorted colors $42.95 up HARRY KESTNER Highest Prices Paid For Used Furniture OPEN THURS. NIGHT 'TIL 227 North Side Sauare PL 3-3411 FURNITURE SALE New 7-pc. modern flv. rm. sultes $129.50.
7-oc. Early Amer. LR sultes $139.50. 3-pc walnut BR suites $98 3-pc. maple ErR sulte, $129.
5-pc. dinettes $34.95. 7-pc. dinettes $59.50 Easy terms, free delivery. Furniture Discount Center 1811 Alexander PL 6-4511 Traded in Large Antique Carved dining Room Suit consists of china, 60 inch Buffet, Extension Table Set of upholstered Chairs $275.00: Extra nice Kroehler 2 pc.
Brown Knubbyweave Modern living room Suit $45.00, Blong Coffee Table $7.50. Hamilton's Furniture Company, 118-120 South 8th PL 3-3657. LOST IN Lavaway. 7 pC. vinyl group Reg.
$159, only $122. Repossessed used deluxe Bedroom suite. Reg. $299, only $117. Modern Appl Furn, 1516 Austin, PL 2-9231.
LOST IN Layaway, 4 complete rooms of new furn. Including new Refrigerator Full size gas range. Only $597. Modern Appl 1516 Austin, PL 2-9231. TAN SOFA, good $25, pole lamo $7.
4704 Edmond Ave. after 10 A.M. DUNCAN PHYFE dining set, table, 5 chairs, buffet, china cabinet, large, reasonably priced. PL 4-2008. KROEHLER sofa quilted, reversible cushions, Sheppard casters, green blue, $30.
662-2767. NICE dining rm. table, 4 chairs extra leaf. 2 end tables, 1 utility table. PL 4-0813.
WE BUY FURNITURE APPLIANCES. TVs, ETC. Marlow 305 So 3rd. PL 4.8749 2 PIECE EARLY AMERICAN Bedroom suite--maple. Like new $75.
2 piece modern bedroom sulte $35. PR 2-0070. INDIVIDUAL WANTS TO BUY nice stove and refrigerator. PL 2-6151 ANTIQUE SOLID OAK, 4 drawer, good cond. original mirror, $35.
See at 3721 Leland. PL 4-7698. MUST SELL HOUSE FULL of furniture hot water heater. PR 2-3757 SOFA COUCH, upholstered, rose color, good condition, $25, 2812 Ethel. FOR SALE dinette set, table chairs, $25, Call PL 2-4922.
MAPLE Flanders bed dol dresser, good condition, PR 2-5464. SET OF twin beds, complete, (nice innerspring matt.) Sell 1 or both $50.00 2315 Lasker, PL 3-8497. 56-HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES KENMORE WASHER. Runs good. $35.
Norge gas range $15. GE refrig.freezer, runs good $35.00 Craftsman 20, 4-cycle HP lawnmower, 2 months old $35.00 Call PL 4-0636 after 4 P.M. 8 FT. UPRIGHT freezer $50. Roper range: Kenmore washer, $45.
Nice Frigidaire refrio. $60; small freezer $35. 3125 Reuter. WHIRLPOOL ice-maker, ref. freezer comb.
$75. PL 2-7878 or PR 2-6620 NICE FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator -freezer, $65. Good Catalina refrigerator -freezer $60, 754-6114. NEW COPPERTONE 13 ft. Refrigerator Freight damaged only $137.
Save $60. UV terms vau con afford, Modern Furn. 1516 Austin, PL 2-9231, APPLIANCES RENT A MAYTAG washer or dryer from Maytag Waco Co. 824 Austin. PL 4-2051.
FREIGHT DAMAGED ranges, washers and refrigs, Double Discount Salvage, 306 So. 8th. PL 2-5511. PAY CASH for refrigerators, gas ranges, furniture, freezers. PL 3-4083.
SEARS KENMORE washer dryer, working condition. Both for $65. 1232 Wedgewood. 772-8666 GAS RANGE burner, oven, broiler, griddle, almost new $65. Sears Auto washer $25.
PL after 4 p.m. SMALL REFRIGERATOR, good ideal for apt. or lake cabin. PR 2-0367. YR.
OLD Westinghouse elc. stove. Excellent cond. $55. 752-1770.
FOR SALE 1967 Westinghouse stove, like new, and Maytag automatic washer. See at 1420 Sheppard. 8-FT. GE refrig. $35.00 PL.
2-2193. 56-A-AIR CONDITIONERS DON'T BE SATISFIED with less than LENNOX. See Lochridge-Priest, Inc. 225 Lake Air Drive. Residential and commercial central heating and cooling systems.
PR 2-0670. HICKS RUBBER CO. 4th and Franklin PL 2-1671 Free Installation on Dearborn Evap. Coolers, all sizes. 3-1 ton 220 V.
Air 3- 38,500 BTU output vented gas heaters thermostatically controlled, dual 48 In. 220 V. Attic fan 6 ft. louvers. All excellent cond.
756-0779 FEDDERS, EMERSON and G.E. alr conds, Double Discount Salvage, 306 So. 8th. PL 2-5511. FOR SALE evaporative coolers.
4000 BTUs. 4313 East Wheeler, SW 9. 5286. INSTALLATIONS SERVICE Alr Conditioners Water Coolers Call for PL 4-6735 ONE 18,500 BTU, 220 13 amp. air for sale.
$190. Used 3-9091, PR 2-6637. INSTALLATIONS If yOU have a window unit to be Installed or moved. Call A. R.
Pyles, PL 4-7926. MEDLIN AIR CONDITIONING 2418 Cole PL 6-3091 Authorized Chrysler Alr Temp Dealer WE BUY USED air conditioners, working or not. Mac's Appliance PL 3-1411. FOR THE BEST Central, Air Conditioning Heat equip, RHEEM! Haught Air Conditioning. 3300 Franklin.
6-1671. REPAIR AIR conditioners, any size, any kind, also installations, reasonable Call SW 9-6564. FRIEDRICH AC unit, 7 years old. Excellent condition. PR 2-3274, 7017 Viking FEDDERS, 1 ton 115V, window air cond.
PL 2-4231 MIKE'S MUSIC SHOP We sell repair Instr. Open 8:00 to 5:00, 1119 Franklin. PL 2-3201. FOR SALE: Holton Flat Trumpet (AI Hirt Special) New condition. Cost $260.00 Sell for $125.00.
TE 3-4428. 58-RADIOS, HI FI, ETC. CB RADIOS, Lafayette, Johnson, Sonar Sales Service Installation, Waco Communications 1400 Clay, PL 2- 2508. NATIONAL NC-98, short wave recelver, good condition, $75. PL 3-3906.
58-B-TELEVISION USED TV'S $19.95 Up Soma Have New Picture Tubes AS LITTLE AS $1.00 DOWN RADIO CITY 510 FRANKLIN PL 2-2581 MOBILE TV SHOP ON SPOT REPAIRS NOW GIVING SGH Green Stamps PR 2-2976 Bus. Office 3000 No. 43rd Free Service Calls Black White Only Used TV's, From $14.95 Up TEXAS SOUTHERN TV 608 N. 18th PL. 4-6979 AUSTIN'S TV CLINIC Calls after 5:30 p.m.
wk. days all day Sat. 1916 Nelvo, 752-1382. REPOSSESSED MAGNAVOX Walnut Stereo-FM only $157. Only $10 per MO, starting In August.
Modern Appl. Furn. 1516 Austin, PL 2.9231. PEEBLES A-1 TV SERVICE Sales Serv. Calls $2 PL 4-0707 TV ANTENNAS Installed.
Good recep- tion. Channels 5, 6, 8, 10, 11. Reasonable. PL 3-7745. MURPHREE TV SERVICE 1st call $1.75.
Reg. $2.50. PL 3-8654 59-PIANOS Traded In $995.00 Early American Consolette Piano bench good as new Terms $23.50 Mhg Baldwin spinet like new, Trade your Piano on It get a bargain. Hamilton's 118-120 South 8th PL 3-3657 LOOK! Beginners rent a new 8 Baldwin Spinet --05 low as $10,00 per month. With Optional purchase In 6 months.
HOLZE MUSIC CO. 600 N. 18th PL 6-1846 Used Wurlitzer spinet in cherry, like new, $475. Full-size piano keyboard accordion, $60. Rent your band Instrument.
Enroll for summer music classes, New used. JOE BUZZE MUSIC CO. 416 Franklin PL 3-5303 PIANO FOR sole, good condition, $85. See at 1110 Spring St. 60-SPORTING GOODS PRE-JULY 4TH Specials THURSDAY SATURDAY All 1968 Models Glastron deep Vee 14 foot with lounge seats, top, 55 HP Johnson with Hydro-Electric shift controls, power pulse ignition, battery box, Dilly tilt trailer.
Ready to go. SPECIAL $1499.00 Glastron deep Vee with lounge seats, floor mats same equipment above. SPECIAL $1799.00 15 Foot Sterncraft, 80 HP InboardOutboard, spotlight, horn, fire tinguisher, speedometer, top, motor hood cushion on Dilly tilt traller. SPECIAL $2399.00 1. boats Day Sale Discounts on all other PLUS Free Vacation for 2 with anv new rig purchased before July 4th.
Choice of Miami Beach, San Francisco, Disneyland. or Las Vegas. OUTBOARD SALES SERVICE, INC. 3400 NORTH 19th PL 6-0741 IN STOCK A CB antenna guaranteed to work on your wooden or fibelglass hoat. Waco Communications, 1400 Clav.
FIBERGLASS Boat, 30 15-FT. Mercury Tura trailer, boat like new. $675. TE 3-4406. FOR SALE- Heavy duty boat troller.
Never been used. $100. PL 4-3781 BEFORE 5 P.M. 1968 GLASPAR G-3 Ski Boat. $650.00.
3400 N. 19th Street, PL 6-0741, 17 FT. HOLMES boat trailer. good cond. 50 HP Evinrude motor, PL 2.7872.
GYPSY CAMPER for pickup, all equipment except stove. 799-2905 or PL 4-9233 after 3:30 p.m. PL 2-5636 Sun. SKI RIG Bargaln. 35 HP Mercury, 12 ft.
Jetstar boot, PL 2-3489, $395.00. 14-FT. SEMI BOAT, 35 HP motor trailer. See at 1301 Sunset. PROF.
GOLF IRONS Spaulding Executive Reg. Excellent condiiton, PR 2-4204 FOR SALE fiberglass boat, motor small wheel trailer. Good cond $350. 739-2178, Teague, Texas. 16' KAYOT and drive on trailer with new 33 HP Johnson, a dandy family barge, on Lake Waco, Baxter Adams, PL 3-7423.
DECK BOAT with cabin. 50 HP Johnson motor, drive-on trailer, 3800 N. 30th, PL 2-4189 New Fiberglass Fishing MOTORS PL 2-0212 USED GLASTRON BOAT -16-f. Fiberglass 70-ho. Mercury mater.
Good tilt trailer, 6 Mira. PL 2-0212 :60 -SPORTING GOODS JULY 4TH SPECIALS" 14 ft. Yellow Jacket, 30 HP John. 15 ft. Razorback, 65 MP Merc.
Lonestar, 40 HP Merc. 14 ft. Duracraft, 20 HP John. 14 ft. Terry Bass, 30 HP Merc.
22 ft. barge, 25 HP John. We service Mercury motors. ORVELLE'S BOAT MOTOR SHOP 7400 New McGregor Hwy. 772-1351 IF YOU, a responsible citizen, oppose Federal gun legislation of gun sales to prudent people and registration, please mail or bring your name, address and 0 dollar or two contribution to be used In a full ad to be run on Independence Day, page July 4th.
Note: This must be done by mid-morning Monday. Come by or write 2120 Washington, Waco. PL 3- 1191. BOAT SPECIALS Fishing rigs $295 up 14-ft. Starcraft Runabout, 33-hp.
Evinrude, electric tilt traller. $1295 $200 off 15-ft. Tri-Hulls with minor defects In finish. Slightly damoged BOATYARD 411 SO. 3RD BUSBY MARINE SALES THE CHEAPEST Larson Boats with Mercury Motors.
We, Waco service Dr. what we sell. PR 2-0660 6001 WANTED TO BUY Used Rifles Shotguns Pistols Modern or Antique Any Style or Callber Good Prices! COGDELL'S Fleld and Stream ROOM Highway and New Road PL 4-5614 GUN OWNERS Write your U.S. Senators and Representative expressing your opposition to gun legislation which will lead to unconstitutional confiscation of your guns. For assistance call MO 2-3258.
Waco Camping Center teaturing STARCRAFT MOBILE SCOUT 3135 Franklin PL. 6-4591 WANTED--USED BOATS WIll Prices for Trade-Ins MOTORS PL 2-0212 Mart, Tex. 15 FT. LAMAR fiberglas, 90 HP Evinrude electric shift, top, lights, mirror, radio, 2 tanks, Irg wheel tilt trailer, $1,250. 3401 Cloverleaf, 1 mile post circle off Robinson Hwy.
662-2496. 17 FT. GLASTRON Sea Filte 100 HP. Elec. Evinrude, Still In warranty.
Power tile, radio, depth finder, Other extras. Must see to appreciate. $1625. 616 N. 35th.
PL 4-5456 or PL 2-7629. Also Jeep. SAILBOATS NEW USED Styrofoam, Floating no docks, Salling Lessons SAILBOAT SALES OF WACO 842 N. Valley Mills 2-7611 17-FT. FIBERGLASS boat, 88-hp.
motor, Son Angele trailer. All in excellent condition. See Mr. Johnson at Lake Waco Marina. 21 61-BUSINESS EQUIPMENT Every Day Is Sale Day With substantial discounts on new office furniture of all kinds.
Also buy, sell and trade used. HILL PRINTING STATIONERY CO. 5045 Franklin 772-7123 Cole Steel, Office Equipment Office Desks -File Cabinets- SKI RIG $895, barge $325, fIshing boat and traller $125, TE 3-4605. FOR SALE OR TRADE for work car Colt .45 auto. gov'! model, .03 Springfield, Bishop, Whiteline.
772-6499. NEED A WAY Radio or depth finder for your boat? In stock at 1400 Clay. MAC'S CAMPER SALES RENTALS 903 S. Valley Mills Drive PL 6-0241 PR 2-1188 WANTED TO BUY: Used camper cover for pickup. Central Texas Zoo.
PL 2- 9101. Office Chairs STRAUSS FURNITURE CO. 118 S. 18th FOR SALE- Bargain Price. Complete Garage tools and equipment.
FRANKLIN'S GARAGE, 1606 Saunders Street, Gatesville, Texas, 5 TON AIR cash register, boats. table, beverage boxes, all in good cond. Cheap. Contact Pat's Lounge, 500 Austin Ave. 62 MACHINERY AND TOOLS NEW EQPT.
New electric generators, all sizes for standby emergency service. Water circulating pumps, elec. tric hoists, Ingersoll-Rand drills grinders. All sizes types of electric motors, AC to DC, rectifiers. Variable voltage transformers.
phase converters 10 run 3 phase motors on single phase. USED EQUIP. Black Decker hammers drills. Alr compressors. electric welders water pumps through 25 HP.
warehouse pallet lIft truck. Caldwell Electric Shop 201 So. Industrial, PO. Box 7772, Waco. PR 2-4710.
WANTED Chain Holst. UD Reasonable price. 2619 Trice. PL 3-6804. 200 AMP.
portable Lincoln welding machine, PL 3-4105 62-A-FARM EQUIPMENT TWO 1963 MODEL 707 Olivers, with 8 ft. rotary mowers with hyd. lifts, in excellent cond. Harold Revnolds, Mexia, Texas, GY 6-4815, Coolldge, 44. 2 HEAVY DUTY Rotocycle rotary cutter, demonstrators for sale PL 6-2137.
VAC Case Tractor equip. Electric starter and lights. $325. After 5 p.m, TE 3-4571 TRACTOR, $695. PL MASSEY excellent TRUCK trailer for sale.
2-5751, PL 6-4909. FERGUSON no. 92 combine, condition, Raymond Beavers. 822-1247, Waco Ph. 63-BUILDING MATERIALS DAMAGED GYPSUM BOARD BARGAIN Gross- Yowell PL 4-5475 and CIRCLE LUMBER COMPANY 2504 La Salle PL 4-5658 Creosoted Posts Treated Lumber Hardware Doors and Windows Oak Paints Insulation BYFORD MORRIS 518 so.
4TH Must reduce stock of used lumber 10 make more room Good used decking, all nalls pulled. 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6, shiplop boxing $40. per 1000. Doors 50c Up. Window sashes In lots of 100, $25.
Bathtubs leg type modern, $5 up. Plenty other bldg. materials. Bring trucks trailers 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Stove Hoods $27.00 Alum. Screen Doors pre-hung Alum. Storm Doors, pre-hung Wood Screen Doors 4.49 DuPont House Paint, gal. 2.95 Used Doors--as low as 1.00 Open All Dav Saturday AGP Building North 4th Indiana Pre- Paneling Large stock--not rejects. See our pre-finished muoldings.
J- 12x12 ceiling tile, 64 in box. WOODROW COLLEY LUMBER CO. 19th and Mary PL 3-5383 PANELING Masonite V-G-4 8 $2.25 ea. 7 Cordova Chestnut $3.25 ea. 8 Philippine mogh.
$3.50 sheet Outside Latex $2.98 gal. 5 gal. Interior-Exterior Latex Paint $10 Cobbs Unclaimed Freight 101 Bridge PL 2-0491 Gerald C. Mann Bldg. Inc.
Lumber Treated Posts PlYwood Hardware Millwork Paints Gypsum 1x6 Rouch FencIng- Treated YP Keys Made Farm Road 1695 PR 2-0173 SUMMER SPECIAL: Protect your home W- cool siding plus alum. wnd. scrns. free. Aver.
home $878, $18.43 me. For estimate, call. PL. 4-6971. d.
Barnes, Inc. Repairs, remodeling, roofina, painting. 500 So. 8th (Free Estimaets) PL 2-8301 ROOFING and PANELING T-lock $7.25 sq. 235-Lb.
Thick-butt $5.95 sq. Prefinish Mahog. Paneling, $3.75 sheet Prefinish Birch Paneling sheet JOE GARNER LUMBER CO. 1620 LaSalle PL 2-8500 SAVE UP to 50 pct. Good used lumber, windows, doors, plumbing fixtures, concrete blocks, etc.
518 S. 4th. CORRUGATED SHEET IRON, used fence posts ties, slab doors, window sash, etc. MO 2-0890. PREFINISHED PANELING $2.99 Up.
MOBILE PAINT $3.99 pal. Plywood, Aluminum and wood screen doors, aluminum storm doors. DISCOUNT BLDG. MATERIAL 3306 Franklin PL 4-7611 SMALL 2-BR. House to be moved.
1512 Connor. $350. Open. PL 6-4943. Also 6-rm.
bath house, 1503 Baylor, to be wrecked. $125. 65-SEEDS, PLANTS, FERTILIZER PLOWING, SOWING and sodding coastal bermuda sprigs. Drill rental. Ed and Bob Jaska.
VA 9-1475. 69-BETTER THINGS TO EAT DELICIOUS ELBERTA De peaches yoU pick 'em. $2 per bushel. Bring container. W.
H. Smith Fruit Farm, miles west of DeLeon on Hwy. 6. PEA FOWLS, guineas, geese ducks, PL 6-2248. Peaches Plums for Sale 2801 Orchard Lane PL 3-4785 FRESH PRODUCE for sale.
Tomatoes 35c basket, slicer cucumbers 5c Cantaloupes 8 for $1. Other produce at reasonable prices. Weaver Produce, 9th and Waco Dr. 15 ACRES RIPE TOMATOES, $1.50 bu. You pick.
ml. East of Thornton on old Oletha Road. Watch for signs. Clayton Brooks, Thornton, Tex. EXTRA FINE hybrid peaches.
Red Globe. Red Ranger, $3.50 per bu. Rock Creek Orchard, TE-3-4398. OKRA 10 20 cts. lb.
Pickling cucumbers, beets, squash, new potatoes, greens, Ashelman, PL 3-4023. ROASTING EARS for sale, field corn, 25c per doz. In field, VA 9-1106, Milan Dulka, Ross, Texas. TOMATOES 12c lb. Ten miles out South 3rd Street.
Jim Chittum. TW 9-1853. CORN, PEAS and other vegetables. PL 4- 1872. FRESH TOMATOES, lbs.
60c, Ice cold watermelons, all from Cedar Sorings, daily. Enco Station, 5th Herring, PL 6-3221. 7. LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES 70-PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES TOMANOLL KENNELS Year round alr cond. boarding Reg.
Collie reg. Sheltie puppies, real beauties. 772-2659. PET BOARDING Special rates--Gus Meyer. 2922 MacArthur--PL 3-7897 La Petite Pet Shop 929 NORTH 25TH PL 2-7169 All Boarding Kennels Toy pupples.
Stud POODLE" PATCH service. Grooming. PR 2-7620. TIMBERCREST POODLES and clipper PL 2-6234 AKC MINIATURE small std. Dachshunds Toy poodles.
Stud service, terms. Board small dogs. PL 2-3575. Frisky AKC Toy Poodles Terms if Desired PR 2-1749 PL 3-8102 Poodle Grooming PL 6-0308 TOY MIN. POODLES Ail colors.
Grooming, appointment only. Also show quality stock PL 3-7221 TW 9-1814. AKC REG. POODLES, grooming by appt. 3929 Colcord, PL 2-0488.
REDUCING STOCK, reg. toy grown Poodle Pekingese. Males, females $60 up. Pupples $40 up. 1701 Clark.
6 WEEKS OLD Reg. toy Poodles for sale. Call PL 3-6773 after 3:30 p.m. TOP CHOICE of AKC reg. white female tov poodle, 2 mo.
old, PL 3-6047. GERMAN SHEPHERD $10, AKC toy poodle $40, Toy Terrier Chihuahuas $15. PL 3-2197 PL 4-6992. FOR SALE Registered female Dachshund, black tan. 6 mo.
old. $25. Ph. JU 2-5254, Hillsboro. T.T.
CHIHUAHUA puppies. Recommended for asthma, etc. g. Reasonable. PL 6-1988, PL 3-4312.
TAILLESS MANX KITTEN, male. $15. PR 2-0759. Poodle Clipping and Grooming Free Pickup and Delivery Stud Service. PL 4-3710 5 YEAR OLD paint mare colt for sale.
PL 4-5363, PL 3-9195, ask for Bill Pittman. U.K.C. REG. American Eskimo, male, 7 wks. old, $75.
PL 4-5145. 620 Camp Drive. Fullblooded Dachshund Puppies weeks old PL 4-2459 SIAMESE Kittens $7.50 ESKIMO SPITZ pUps $20. 825 Jackson, McGregor. GR 5-2912.
REG. MALE poodle, need to sell. Call PL 3-8423 aft. 5:30 P.M. All day Sat.
Sun. PUREBRED SEAL Point Siamese kit. tens, $7.50. 799-7250. AKC REG.
Pug puppies. Grown Pkg. dogs for sale. SW 9-3238. FOR SALE Boston Terrier pups, male female, 6 weeks old.
662-3349. FOR SALE- Reg. Pointer Birddog puppies. Outstanding pedigree. 7 weeks old.
PL 6-4665. PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD DUDS, AKC, Rin-Tin-Tin Blood. SW 9. 5828 ASTHMATIC? MALE Chihuahuas hand raised. Paper broken, 6 weeks, AKC, black chocolate.
PL 2-1856. MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS Red female puppies--Stud Service 2922 3-7897 PRECIOUS LITTLE co*cker pups $15.00, Beagle $10.00, Norwich terrier $10.00, PL 3-4357. AKC GERMAN Shepherd, 2 male pups, 2 grown females, top blood-lines, choice stock. 6407 Fish Pond Rd. PR 2-6008.
AKC POODLES, proven apricot male show quality, white female, both beautiful, both playful. 799-4008. BOSTON SCREW TAIL Bulldog puppies. wks. old.
Father is registered. 1117 Brown Ave. LONG EARED, sad eyes, AKC Basset pupples. $75. Call aft.
6, 778-1352. 320 No. 9th, Temple, Texas. 71-POULTRY AND SUPPLIES Rubin Bravo Produce. 72 LIVESTOCK AND EQUIPMENT FAMOUS BRAND WESTERN WEAR LOW DISCOUNT PRICES $3.98 Beaded Leather Moccasins $1.96 $3.98 101 Ranch Western Straw Hats $1.96 $4.98 Western for Ladies Shirts $1.96 Boys' $4.98 Tex-Son Short Sleeve Permanent Press Western Shirts $2.94 Boys' $29.50 Handmade Cowboy Boots $14.85 $39.50 Men's Handmade Rodeo Action Needle Toe Boots Cowboy $19.95 $48.00 Handmade Tony Lama crostini Cowboy $29.75 THE FAIR WESTERN DISCOUNT TURKEY POULTS, 35 cents aplece.
STORE-LOTT, TEXAS Johnson's Horse Sale Tuesday, July 2, 7 p.m. 5 Miles South of Waco on Hwy. 77 PL 6-0404, TW 9-1606 REG. POLLED HEREFORD breeding bulls, good quality, JFG Silver Mischief sired. 14 to 27 mo.
772-8233. HIGHEST PRICES for lIvestock also cripples, bad eves, etc. Soaper horses. 753-5039, J. V.
Norred. JERSEY cows calves, stocker cattle, gentle riding horses saddles. Stock trailers. Haul buy stock. 754-6915.
SMALL PALOMINO Pony, real gentle, gelding. $50. Walnut dining rm. table. $50.
PL 4-2558. HORSES- calves for sale; buy, sell or haul any kind of livestock. PL 2-6896. FOR SALE fresh milk cow. Call VA 9.
1442. REG. POLLED Hereford helfers. Also poll Hereford bulls. 12-20 mo aid.
Will Krueger, 72-LIVESTOCK AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Palomino mare, registered. 12 yrs. old. Call after 4:30, PL 6-1672. GOOD GUERNSEY Milk Cow and calf, $300.
Mare $135. MO 2-0890, PL 3-1191. SALE gentle black white Shetland like new show saddle or trade for full size more, 799-3892. GRANDDAUGHTER OF King P234-Reg. 3 vr.
old Palomino filly. $550. Show or performance. 799-7277. YOUNG HOLSTEIN bull.
Ready to serve. JERSEY COWS FRESH for sale. 3 gallons. MO 2-0341 73-HAY, GRAIN, FEED COASTAL BERMUDA HAY Too quality, weed free, heavily fertilized, heavy bales. Well cured.
G. M. Gorham, TE 3-4660 HAY HEADQUARTERS Johnson grass hay at Speegleville store, Hwy. 6, 2 ml. North of Twin bridges.
Call PR 2-9073 or 772- 4481. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS QUALITY FEED STORE-812 Webster Fish Balt, Alfalfa Pellets, Maize Cotton Seed Slab Cake, Meal, Pellets Alfalfa Hay, Maize and Shelled Corn TOP QUALITY Hybrid sudan, fertilized, deliver. 4-0223, Bosqueville. SHREDDING Call TE 3-4645 FOR SALE 30 acres. Hybrid sudan hay.
SW 9-1068. 8. FINANCIAL 80-BUSINESS OPPORTUNTIES FOR LEASE OR SALE: Fort Gates Grocerv--Store and station between North Fort Hood and Gatesville. Excellent location and P.M. Neatherlin, Rt.
2, Gatesville, Phone 865- 5583. FOR SALE Short order chicken to go. Chicken Little stock fixtures. Small going business. Make $100 to $175 week net.
All for $950. 1100 Chestnut. PL 3-9912 between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. GOOD HAMBURGER Drive Inn on 150x65' lot, near MCC.
$6,000 down, 6 $225 PL. 2-5175. BEAUTY SHOP. plus BR. home on Memorial Dr.
$11,000 for both. J. S. MORRIS, PL 2-3848, PL 2-5375. WESTINGHOUSE COIN laundry, good location.
Good buy. Call 662-2628. SMALL GRO. cafe In China Spring. brick building, acre land.
Days. 833-9497, nights and Sun. TE 3-4256. UNIT APT. Exc.
return on Investment. Large 2 br. Ilv. rm. Call owner.
Dolly Kelly PR 2-6620, PL 2-7878 FOR LEASE CLUB CAPRI Bidg 19th Speight. Call Albert Casper, PL 2-1954, SW 9-2461. 85-COLLATERAL LOANS 318 Austin PL $-7191 ANYTHING OF VALUE Diamonds Watches Golf Clubs Radios Television Tools Guns Pistols Typewriters 85-A-PAWN SHOPS New York Loan HIGHEST VALUE LOANS ON ANYTHING OF VALUE 310 Austin ESTABLISHED 1907 LOANS On Anything of Value Loans, 4th Austin 9. RENTALS 90-HOTELS 90-HOTELS FURNISHED ROOMS Gayety Hotel, $6 wk. Ebonv.
pvt. 226 Hillsboro $9 wk. or 2 PERSONS, $5.00 overnight. Ref. air, TV's, ph.
avail. Weekly rates $15 up. CIRCLE MOTEL 662-2520. 91-ROOMS FURNISHED YMCA MEN-Air conditioned singles, mold service. Membership privileges Include Indoor pool, gym, exercise rooms, TV lounge, phone service.
From $8.50 weekly, overnight or permanent. MCA, 12th and Columbus. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED, pvt. entrance, everything furnished. Maid service.
Men only. References. PL 2- 6807. ROOM FOR RENT, pvt. entrance, bath, telephone, refrigerator, 2004 Ethel, PL 2-1244.
GENTLEMEN Bedroom Hot plate, refria, linen, adloins bath, $7 wk. 516 N. 10th. LRG. FURN.
pvt. bath entrance, 828 No. 17th. 92-ROOMS WITH BOARD TIRED OF eating out? Get home-cooked meals. 906 N.
16th. PL 4-2422. 94-APARTMENTS, FURNISHED Newman Westview 708 8 Ruby PR 2-7606 Large Efficiencies 1-Bedroom Newly Painted and Carpeted Water and Gas Furnished Air Conditioned $62.50 $85 I BLOCK OFF N. VALLEY MILLS DR. IF NO ANSWER, PL 2-9265 Metropolitan Apartments 1701 NORTH 15TH ST.
PRIVATE clean turn. small gar. win. cooler, utilities adults, bus line, $50. 1900 Colcord, PL 2-6995.
3 RM. FURN. rugs. drapes, window fan furnished. PL 2-9329.
NICE 2 BR. furn. duplex conv. 10 Baylor students, 2602 So. 3rd, PL 3-5289.
2 LARGE APARTMENTS 2118 Columbus. Bills pd. $12.50 wk. PL 6-6077. 1317 N.
11th, $35 mo. Clean 3 rm. duplex, bath, no pets, adults only, pension or 2 working ladies. SMALL LOWER garage apt. 2811 16th.
$45 mo. PL 6-0264. NW. 1807 Lyle. Open nice 3 bath, cooler, shopping bus, bills pd.
$60 mo. Call Clifton, 662-4533. 4-RM. FURN. apt.
2712 Sanger, Bills pd. PL 4-3804. 3 Ira. rooms, bath, couple preferred, utilities paid. 1915 Burnett.
1218 FROST 4-rm. duplex $17. Gar. Apt. 802 N.
13th $15.50 wk. Bills pd. PR 2-3627. LE CHATEAU LUXURY APARTMENTS All Bills Paid Pool Cent. Cable TV Furn.
and Unf. From $120 5100 Hawthorne PR 2-3530 Robinson Drive Garden Apartments From Bedroom 2 Bedroom From 3 Bedroom From UNFURNISHED ALL UTILITIES PAID Phone 662-3550 $4-APARTMENTS, FURNISHED 2 LOCKWOOD APTS. 700-715 Westview Drive $75 to $95 Modern 1-BR. ants. Well furnished.
carpets, drapes, tile bath dressing table. Watk-In closets. Out N. Valley Mills Drive to Fort, TURN LEFT, DRIVE 3 BLOCKS Office, 700 Westview Drive, Apt. 1, Phone PR 2-7966.
Mr. Curtis, Res. Manager, or PL 2-8311. LOOKING? $79.50 SHARON APARTMENTS 3701 SLEEPER Beautifully furn. 1 BR.
carpeted alr conditioned. UTILITIES (EXCEPT ELECTRIC ITY FREE Lovely MAID surroundings SERVICE location. PL 4-0544 This Week's Special Crawford Apts. 2000 Austin Ave. 1-bedroom apts.
water furnished Bill Dosher" Co. PL 4-2339 PR 2-2503 Uptown Motel 620 N. 5th Phone PL 3-9606 biks. of downtown. $2.50 up overnight.
wk. Air cond. 1. 3 room kitchenettes. Everything turn.
SW 9-3003, PL 2-5410. Shiloh Apts. 920 SPEIGHT NEAR BAYLOR Now renting for summer. PL 4-4451 Colonial Arms 5901 EDMOND CABLE TV AVAILABLE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED PR 2-4678 PL 4-7975 All Utility Bills Paid 1 and 2 Bedroom All Electric Covered Parking and Security Patrol 919 N. 11th 3 rm, ba.
$10 wk. 822 N. 15. upper, 3 rm. $45 mo.
1533 McKenzie-3-rm, ba. 914-916 $30 mo. 216 ba. $12.50 wk. 1713 N.
6th-4-rm. Apt. wk. N. 12-2 rms.
ba. wk. 1715 N. 6th-gar. apt.
3-rms. DAVID HOPPENSTEIN 111 So. 5th PL 2-3419-PR 2-1945 Lexington Apts. 1406 S. 9TH NEAR BAYLOR Now renting for summer.
PL 4-4451 Bosque Manor 1401 BOSQUE BLVD. ONE BEDROOM, closet, carpet and tiled, separate bath and dressing area, Hotpoint appliances, garbage disposal. Excellent air conditioning. Contact Apt. 9, 753-3224, 1401 Bosque, LAKE RIDGE MANOR FURNISHED APTS.
$99.50 CHESSER 3-8383 DAVIS R. GARLAND CO. 2004 Barnard PL 3-5341 615 No. 23rd, 1 BR, wtr. $50 2805 Bosque.
bills pd. $50 2003 bills pd. $50 Terrace Garden Apts. 4 5 rms. nicely furnished, large grounds.
References. 1. bik. Waco Dr. 4 biks.
town. 615 N. 4th, PL 3-7014. EFF. APTS.
3 near Baylor, 704 S. 5th, refrig. air, LR BR, bath PR 2-1404. and kit. $35 per mo, PL 6-2116 or BAYLOR STUDENTS ONLY 2 biks.
from campus, A.C., for 1700 NO. 15TH Clean 3 summer A or fall, $40 $75. PL 2-4109. BAYLOR WOMEN ALSO rms. bath, gas water furnished, refrig.
air, couple desired. Apply 1704 N. 15th. CLEAN 3 RM DUPLEX Wind. cooler, 1218 Barnard.
3516 ETHEL Modern apt. with garage. 2-8208 HOUSETRAILER FOR RENT. See Frank Inmon, 4309 Bellmead Inmon Circle. COMFORTABLE, COZY DUPLEX, carpeted.
Grand location. Near town, Sears, Churches, bus. PR 2-0974. 2 RM. APT.
small kit. priv. bath, nicely furn. Bills pd. $38 mo.
Lady. 2000 Cumberland. PL 2-6126. DUPLEX-1708 N. 17th, 2 BR.
bath, fan, big back bills pd. PL 4-7200. FURNISHED GARAGE auto. washer water furnished. No pets.
SW 9-0131, SW 9-4454. 700 So. Valley Mills Apts. PL 6-4949 PL 3-5252 NICE QUIET APARTMENT. Furnished.
Newly decorated. 316 downstairs. Prefer retired couple. Price right. PL 2-9380, PL.
2-1989. UPPER 2 BR. window cooler, near town, wtr. pd. $55 mo.
All bills pd. $75; PL 2-3566. 2 BR. FURN. walk to town, water garbage 756-3349 after 6 p.m.
1207 Columbus. DUPLEX carpet, drapes, mod. furn. exceptional, walkin closet, w. fan.
$45. Apply 1205 N. 21st. 1001 APARTMENTS PR 2-7390 5100 SANGER Baytonian Apts. PR 2-3787 WESTOVER Luxury Close to Downtown 1519 Washinaton PL 6-5260 COLE MANOR PR 2-7381.
No Vacancies 2 $18.50 Bills Pd. Children Welcome. Spaclous. PR 2-0880 FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1 2 dishwasher, pool or carpet SW 9-3236. SW 9 3018.
SW 9-4434 NORTHSIDE Nice 3 4 rms. (2 bath fenced wtr. garage, Reasonable, PL 2-6261. ALL BILLS paid, 5 rm. 1225 N.
20th, 756-0596. CLOSE TO McLennan College, no bills PL $40, 2413 Edna, 3 bath, 4-2887. GARAGE APT. $35 MO. Gorman, prefer man Interested In extra work.
PL 2-5158 2-RM. APTS. Bills pold, evap. cooler. Apply 1903 Columbus, PL 4-5768.
2118 ETHEL Duplex, 4 $16.50 wk. Bills pd. Open. PL bath, 2-6151. $14.50, $16.50 wk.
Bills Pd. Children welcome, 3 4 rms. PR 2-0880 Ex. BEAUTIFUL RM. BILLS PD.
Ref, air, studio apt. $79 $59 N.W., PL 4-4411, PL 2-6249 NICE 3-RM. FURN. APT. $45 mo.
PL 6-2423, PL 2-7754. Ave. Summer LARGE 2 3 BR. Apts. All bills paid.
MO 2-0890, 3-1191. Baylor. near PL 95-APARTMENTS. UNFURNISHED ELDERLY PEOPLE 2 Or Retired Couple ed. bedroom apartment.
Partly furnish. $35 to $40 per month. PL 6-0394. 1713 Alexander, BR $40.00 1725 2105 Herring, Alexander, 2 BR $45.00 2 BR $42.50 JACK HAWKINS CO. PL 2-2567 5 REMODELED room, 2 DUP.
5 unfurn. Insulated, all closets, furnace, conns. 220, garage, $60, 1903 Trice. Apply PL 2-4114. fenced vd.
1612 Live DECORATED 1 BR. apartment, NEWLY $40 mo. 96-HOUSES, FURNISHED CLEAN, EXTRA nice, except for dbl. air frost-proof washer, dryer, leather den set, kingsize BR 2. BR.
corner lot, suite, 4-5291. fenced yd. PL 2 BEVERLY BR. furn. HILLS area 1900 Jeran, nice house, W-C, fenced yd.
$75.00, PL 3-3054. 2 BR. near school shopping, $40 mo. Rent or sell 167 San SW 9-1715. Pedro NICE MODERN cottage, 2 w.w.
carpet, air cent. heat, near school, 2 churches, 2710 Trice. PL 2- 3614..